Death of The Mad Hatter by Sarah J. Pepper Interview, Review + Mad Black Friday Giveaway!

Ladies and gentleman please welcome Ms. Sarah. J Pepper to ThisGirlReadsAlot Blog. I am super excited she answered some of my burning questions and even more excited that she decided to give away a copy of her amazing book too. Isn't she great? And it's just in time for the beginning of holiday shopping! Well let's get this party started shall we??

ThisGirlReadsAlotBlog: How did you come up with the idea for "Death of The Mad Hatter"?
Sarah: Oh to live in a fantasy land...what wouldn't be wonderful about living in Wonderland? Well possibly a queen that is a little too comfortable with the phrase "off with your head."  
I've always loved paranormal and fantasy stories and for some sick, twisted reason I love making a mess of them in my mind. When I finally out my ideas about a girl named Alice Mae (my gma's name btw) I wanted it to be this happily ever after story about a girl who trippee abd fell down the rabbit hole... and then tripped a fell head over heels in love.Well, after that happened I had to find a way to bring trouble to paradise (aka Wonderland)  who better to do that then a cut-throat queen?

ThisGirlReadsAlotBlogWhat will be different about this book as opposed to the others you've written?
Sarah: For most of the book the pov is from the (hubahuba) boy, not the girl. Is so easy to describe a so-hot-u-will-get-burned-but-like-it guy when the pov is from the girl. I decided to challenge myself and write from the guy's mind... talk about falling into a dark place lol.

ThisGirlReadsAlotBlogWhat do you want readers to take away from this book?
Sarah: Everything isn't sugar coated, and if it is BEWARE because sometimes is poisonous. 

ThisGirlReadsAlotBlogWhat inspired you to become a writer?
Sarah: Ohhhh that is a loaded question. Never in my right mind did I think i would ever write abook, let alone ten.  Mark that up to my bad spelling and grammar. Thank God for editors.  But my imagination got the best of me one winter and instead of shoveling the drive way, I sat down with a paper and pencil to write down my thoughts (knowing full well that my hubby would be thrilled that I left the heavy lifting in the driveway for him)  

ThisGirlReadsAlotBlogWhat can readers expect from you in the future?
Sarah: Well I have the first two books of the Fate Trilogy out and the third in its way. That's a fun romance about classical mythology with a modern day twist-oh a from the pov of a blind girl.... yeah that was a dusy to write :-D

ThisGirlReadsAlotBlogOut of all the books you've written which is you're favorite and why?
Sarah: The Devils Lullaby. I wanted to show the YA READER what passion, love, and goodbyes felt like. It's so easy to say I love you, but to describe unconditional love is another thing entirely.

ThisGirlReadsAlotBlogLastly tell the world one crazy thing about you that they wouldn't find in any other interview. (It could be anything you like.)

Sarah: When I get hungry, I sing/rap/riddle about food to whatever song is on the radio. Half the time, I don't even realize I'm doing it until the stares start. Yep, clinical dork here.

Death of Mad Hatter by Sarah J. Pepper
Publisher: CreateSpace
Publish Date: November 29th, 2013 
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance

*(Favorite of 2013)*

The Jack prophesied: If the king loses his head, then the Queen with a Bleeding Heart would rule the Red Court until Time ceased to move forward. When a second carried on for infinity, every creature in Wonderland would tip their Hat to the misfit girl with a Boy’s name (or was it a boy with a Girl’s name?) who’d end the Reign of Terror. However, it all hinged on the One-Eyed Hare being able to convince an uninspirable Heir that the impossible was indeed possible—like stopping time—and that Love was worth a Beheading.

Heads would Roll…
Hearts would Break…
In the end, would it matter who Reigned?

Review: 5 out of 5 stars!
*copy provided by author in exchange for an honest review*

A modern day retelling and twist on the story of Alice and Wonderland. 

Meet Alice Mae aka Al, "the girl with the boys name.". Alice Mae is the queen of hearts assistant of sorts she may fulfill the bleeding hearts prophesy, and then she may not. Then there's Robby the boy who knows nothing outside of his world but is thrust into the world of wonderland and otherworldliness the minute he meets the oddly dressed , strange new girl Alice Mae. She knows things about his father and he doesn't like it, not one bit. He has to now deal with pursuing the girl he has only dreamed of and the strange girl who now invades his every thought.

This book is a journey into a fantastical world of strange and wonderful happenings. I got pulled in pretty quickly and found it hard to put down. I actually didn't put it down. I read it until I was completely done.I fell in love with the characters almost as soon as I met them. Each character was beautifully developed and got more and more interesting with each page. 

Pepper has a way with words and she knows how to tell a story with natural skill and finesse. By the end of the book I was so entranced with the story I had a hard time believing I hadn't fallen down a rabbit hole myself. Great story, and even better writing! It's a journey I will not soon forget. Highly recommend it! Definitely on my favorites of 2013 list!

 Author Info: 

LINKS: @sarahjpepper (Twitter)

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But try your hand at the giveaway first:

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