Book Tag monday is a meme from Grown Up Fan Girl Blog, which was started on YouTube for
book tubers but was carried over into the blogosphere by GrownUpFangirl. It's quite simple actually you answer the bookish questions and tag someone else and so on and so on. Easy Right?! Here it goes:
Question #1: Do you have a certain place at home for reading?
I love to read in bed. It's most quiet in my room so I choose to read in bed or on the couch while watching television.
Question #2: Bookmark or a random piece of paper?
I rarely use bookmarks although I have a ton of them. I usually just remember what page I'm on or at least where I stopped at.
I can stop wherever I like although I typically like to at least finish the page I'm on. I'm not too anal about it.
Question #4: Do you eat or drink while reading?
I usually don't because I would hate to get anything on my book but I will if I'm reading an eBook.I can do anything while reading pretty much although I usually wind up drowning everything out while I'm reading.
Question #6: One book at a time, or several at once?
I only read one book at a time. I like to dedicate my mind and time to one book at a time.
Question #7: Reading at home or everywhere?
I read wherever. If there is an opportunity to read I will read.
Question #8: Reading out loud or silently in your head?
I never read aloud. I don't need to hear myself lol.
Question #9: Do you read ahead or skip pages?
I may peek at the end of a paragraph or the next page if I'm reading a book but typically
I don't.
Question #10: Breaking the spine or keeping it new?
I never break the spine of my books. All of my books look like I just bought them. If theydon't it's because someone borrowed it. I hate when my book gets creases and dents..
Question #11: Do you write in books?
NO WAY! Are you crazy?!
I'm tagging YA Escape From Reality and Leandra Wallace.